Ray & Jay Seize the Day Youtube Kids Channel

Collaborating with the innovative Portal creative team, I spearheaded the development of the creative direction for a dynamic new YouTube Kids Channel named Ray & Jay Seize The Day. In this pivotal role, I took charge of shaping the visual identity and narrative essence of the channel, ensuring a captivating and engaging experience for young viewers. From the inception of content creation to its final presentation, I handled a spectrum of tasks including video editing, motion graphics design, meticulous color correction, and immersive sound design. Furthermore, I undertook the responsibility of crafting the branding elements for both the YouTube Channel and its corresponding Instagram page. I actively engaged in expanding the show's social media presence, employing strategic tactics to foster community engagement and amplify brand visibility across digital platforms. Through a harmonious blend of creativity and strategic vision, I am dedicated to propelling Ray & Jay Seize The Day into a captivating and cherished online destination for children worldwide.